This is an excellent account by Matt Jones of a project that I was very lucky to work on with BERG, well, I say lucky, I asked them to do it - so not exactly lucky - but I was lucky that they found such beauty and poetry and magic, and then unlucky that we weren't able to move it out of the Lab, and then finally pretty lucky that I work for a company that agrees it is OK to share some of our intellectual tangents from time to time even when they don't hit gold.
This is a blog post about a large design research project we completed in 2011 in close partnership with Google Creative Lab.
There wasn’t an opportunity for publication at the time, but it represented a large proportion of the studio’s efforts for that period – nearly everyone in the studio was involved at some point – so we’ve decided to document the work and its context here a year on.
I’m still really proud of it, and some of the end results the team produced are both thought-provoking and gorgeous.
We’ve been wanting to share it for a while.
It’s a long post covering a lot of different ideas, influences, side-projects and outputs, so I’ve broken it up into chapters… but I recommend you begin at the beginning…
[nb. when the internet dies. I have a PDF]