PROFILE: SBS Audio: SEEN [2024]

Tea Uglow is an influential voice in the tech world. A pioneering force behind Google's Creative Lab where she led experimental tech projects for 17 years, Tea Uglow's brilliance extends beyond technology. Join Yumi Stynes as the pair walk through Tea's personal journey, and how her experience as a trans autistic woman has become a powerful lens through which she reshapes the tech landscape.

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PROFILE: Cannes Lions President of Glass [2023] - Campaign Brief

The Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity has announced the names of the Jury Presidents who will lead juries to award this year’s Lions and set the global benchmark for excellence in creativity.


Tea Uglow, founder of Dark Swan, former CD at Google will represent Australia as jury president of Glass Lions: The Lion for Change. The Glass Lion recognises work that implicitly or explicitly addresses issues of gender inequality or prejudice, through the conscious representation of gender in advertising.

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PROFILE: Design Matters [2020]

Design Matters: Tea Uglow

It’s hard to describe exactly what Tea Uglow does. But know this: She has your dream job. Within Google, as has been said before, she is, essentially, paid to play.

The gig didn’t come easily. Uglow started as a Fine Art student, came across design and navigated the tides of the Dotcom boom and Dotcom bust, and then grabbed the laptop from her severance package and taught herself HTML. She bounced around a few design jobs, and then happened upon a one-month contract position to make Powerpoints for the sales team at Google.

… And then she founded Google’s Creative Lab in Europe.

How?! In this episode of Design Matters, Debbie Millman explores just that—and, of course, digs into what Uglow does today as creative director of Google’s Creative Lab in Sydney.

Uglow’s work may not be the easiest thing to nail down in a nutshell, and it’s best seen in action. So here we present a tapestry of Tea, from her personal writings to a medley of her striking projects that reveal the key to her swift rise and all the rest of it: her raw brilliance.

Midsummer Night’s Dreaming“The Royal Shakespeare Company put on a unique, one-off performance of ‘Midsummer Night’s Dream’ in collaboration with Google’s Creative Lab. It took place online, and offline—at the same time. It was the culmination of an 18 month project looking at new forms of theater with digital at the core.”

XY-Fi “XY-Fi allows you to mouse-over the physical world, with your phone.”

Editions at Play “Editions At Play is the Peabody Futures–award-winning initiative by Visual Editions and Google’s Creative Lab to explore what a digital book might be: one which makes use of the dynamic properties of the web.”

Hangouts in History “Google’s Creative Lab teamed up with Grumpy Sailor to help a class of year 8 students from Bowral ‘video conference’ with 1348, in what we became the first of five ‘Hangouts in History.’”

The Oracles “The Oracles is a cross-platform experience, developed for primary school children in Haringey. Digital and physical environments are blended, alternating between gameplay and visits to Fallow Cross, where enchanted objects know where you are so that your moves trigger the story.”

Story Spheres “Story Spheres is a way to add stories to panoramic photographs. It’s a simple concept that combines the storytelling tools of words and pictures with a little digital magic.”

Bar.Foo “Google has a secret interview process …”

Debbie talks with Tea Uglow about experimental digital projects that are pushing the boundaries of tech and art. “This is very much the principal with all my projects, just draw a line in the sand and put a flag there. Then at least someone might come over and look at the line and ask ‘What’s the flag for?’”

PROFILE: The path to creativity is a zigzag

Tea Uglow is Creative Director at Google’s Creative Labs and works in Sydney. Google Translate once translated her role as ‘experimental person in charge at Google’ where she runs a small team at the intersection of digital technology, arts and culture working on innovative, global, creative and collaborative projects. In this episode of #PitchPodcast Pitch guest editor and cofounder of Utopia Nadya Powell interviews Tea. They talk about Tea’s childhood obsession with drawing and how interactivity formed a key part of her art as a student at Oxford’s Ruskin School. Tea discusses the importance of moving from being settled to being unsettled throughout your life and career; recounting a multifaceted career which includes her working in a bar, doing book art degree, learning how to code and freelancing at Google for a year and a half. We learn that following a wiggly path is sometimes the best thing to do, as when you do finally end up where you’re supposed to be you’re ready for it. Tea is a trans woman and talks about the project of inclusion and diversity, challenging cultures and the importance of allowing people to bring a perspective that is not in the room into the room.


PROFILE: Simpleweb [2017]

Why aren’t we finding ways of building the information that we want into the way we want to experience the environment, rather than the way we’re told to experience the environment?

Tea Uglow is the Creative Director of Google’s Creative Lab in Sydney, although she prefers a Google (mis)Translate version of the title – Experimental Person in Charge.

Tea leads a team exploring “the spaces between contemporary digital technology and traditional forms of creativity and culture. That might be with museums, galleries, working with artists, filmmakers or writers and looking at what happens when those intersect.”

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Tea Uglow is familiar with uncertainty and doubt. But instead of seeing them in a negative light, she considers doubt, ambiguity, and uncertainty to be a central force behind her creativity and innovation.

In a recent talk about her work as creative director of the Google Creative Labs team in Sydney, she asked the audience a tough question to unpack the idea further: “Is there roomfor ambiguity and doubt when computers are in our pockets and at our sides at all times? What happens to creativity if there isn’t?” So many forms of technology are designed to do just one rigid thing, she explained, that it may be stifling human creativity and ingenuity. It’s a concerning thought for many creatives who rely on computers, tablets, apps and software for nearly every bit of their jobs.

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PROFILE: Editions at Play [2016]

.. To ‘record’ the experiences of the dynamic web is like taking photos of morning dew: fragmentary and one-dimensional, unsatisfactory. The future internet, consisting of machine intelligence communicating with speech rather than all these helpful words on ‘pages’, is even tougher to pin down. Every single web experience is literally performative — a machine pirouetting through a dance of information that is unique to you in that moment and then lost forever.

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PROFILE: Kaya FM [2017]

[10 min interview from Feb 2017]
Kojo Baffoe is joined by Creative Director of Google, Tea Uglow.  She is the brains behind Google’s innovative Lab in Sydney, Australia. Her works varies between non-linear narration and the physical web.

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