PROJECT: SIS - Displayed with Heidi Latsky [2018]

Promo: Heidi Latsky Dance & Google Creative Lab from Heidi Latsky Dance on Vimeo.

Filmed at City College, this short film portrays the essence of the partnership between Heidi Latsky Dance and Google Creative Lab begun in the fall of 2018.


In development since 2017, D.I.S.P.L.A.Y.E.D  is an immersive experience at the intersection of dance, fashion and art, transforming each venue into a unique gallery space. Towards the end of 2018, HLD embarked on an exciting partnership with Google's Creative Lab to enhance the installation with Audio Augmented Reality (AR). With the support of the Disability Forward Fund, the HLD app was created for increased accessibility. With the support of the MAP Fund, three Volumetric Videos (holograms) were created to compliment the exhibit.

The D.I.S.P.L.A.Y.E.D sculpture court provided a unique platform to experiment with Google’s Creative Lab audio AR kit. The kit allows you to place virtual sound spheres in a 3D space using a mobile phone. Once the sounds are placed, audience members can walk around the space wearing headphones to hear the sounds, all of which are binaural and respond to the person’s movement within the space.

D.I.S.P.L.A.Y.E.D was part of the Sounds In Space [SIS] series of experiments.