PROJECT: Gold at Cannes. Black at D&AD [2011]

At its heart Google's Lab is in the creative business, and we do our bit for marketing - trying to share the magic of our products with our users.

We're really not motivated by awards... but then I would say that; and it's certainly not everyday that you work on a Gold Cannes Lions winning campaign - yet somehow this year I was involved in three: Art Project, Life in a Day and Voice Search outdoor, not to mention glory by association with Wilderness Downtown and the Chrome campaigns. I was up and down those steps like pro by the end of June as Creative Lab ended up with 1 Grand Prix, 6 Gold, 4 Silver and 2 Bronze Cannes Lions as well as 1 Black Pencil & 2 Gold Pencils at D&AD

The Wilderness Downtown (Cyber Grand Prix winner): an interactive music video for Arcade Fire showed off Chrome’s features.

Chrome Speed Tests: a series of lab-like experiments on YouTube demonstrated Chrome's speed.

The Google Art Project : adapted Street View technology to let people virtually navigate museums and galleries around the world.

UK Voice Search : a series of billboard ads with phonetic spellings touted our mobile app’s voice search chops.

Demo Slam : (remember Chubby BunnyExtra Spicy, and Mount Rushmore?) showcased users’ innovative applications of our technology and asked them to vote up a winner.

Life in a Day: Ridley Scott asked YouTube users around the world to upload footage from July 24, 2010, which was then turned into a feature film.

Also recognized were Chrome Fast Ball and Google Instant with Bob Dylan

PROJECT: YouTube Play @ GUGGENHEIM [2010]

YouTube Play was a collaborative initiative created by YouTube and the Guggenheim Museum to discover and showcase exceptional talent working in the ever-expanding realm of creative video.

It was first intended (inaccurately) as a biennial - celebrating creative talent in the realm of online video. The response leading up to Youtube play was massive, with over 23,000 video submissions and over 46,000 subscribers to the YouTube Play channel. The channel had 23 million views in the opening weeks and 25 videos were selected by an esteemed jury and celebrated on October 21st with an event at the Guggenheim in New York that was live streamed worldwide. The art press, (as expected) were snarky as all hell.


PROJECT: Translate for Animals [2010]

We were lucky enough to work on this (our first Google April Fool) with Sara Rowghani and Reto Meier (who actually built the app). The video was shot by Glue in conjunction with the in-house team (scripting and editing).

Indian Premier League on YouTube

YouTube streams the Indian Premier League cricket event live.

This will be the first time that a cricketing event is being webcast live on the Internet.

From March 12th onward, we will show all 60 matches of the Indian Premier League along with more than 1,200 clips and full match highlights, and Twitter gadget.

Marketing across IN, AU, NZ and UK with offline advertising in print, outdoor, radio, trains and buses, in-flight screens, and mobile.

PROJECT: Chrome Features [2009]

In 2009 we rolled out a series of annotated YT videos (called Chrome Features) to the main GoogleChrome channel for the US team to use as part of their Chrome for Mac launch. It was also a sort of experiment into what 'adverts' would look like if Google made them. I insisted they would have to be interactive (I was wrong).

The videos are actually part of the EMEA Chrome Awareness campaign and were created by BBH/ 1st Ave Machine in NY. They are localised for 8 other countries. (The annotation alone involved 8 annotations each on 9 videos for 8 countries. so getting on towards 600 annotations.) big big shout to Rachna (our EMEA producer) and our annotators: Robert, Dezzie, Lina and Orla

Look! A young Ben Malbon, who knew...?

PROJECT: Google at 10 [2009]

A (very) quick look back at the Google story over the last 11 years. From Stanford to Mountain View and around the world, featuring many different products, starting with BackRub (Search) up to Google Wave, StreetView and Chrome.



The YouTube Symphony Orchestra [2009] at Carnegie Hall

A 30 second overview of the YouTube Symphony Orchestra

A YouTube-based orchestral audition and mash-up site for classical musicians around the world - featuring most of the world's top orchestras... LSO, Michael Tilson Thomas, Tan Dun, Lang Lang, Johannes Moser and symphony orchestras around the world... Personally I think it is very exciting as it opens up the potential of online collaborations for the most conservative parts of the musical world, as well as presenting possibilities for other creative conspiracies beyond film... theatres, choirs, dance, even ballet??

Probably more technically intriguing is what can be done with all the submissions above and beyond the classical-musicians'-got-talent american-idol type project. For example it's not hard to imagine a tool that lets you mash up the submissions into an international online orchestra composed solely of piccolos from portugal, brazilian bass, venezuelan violins, croat clarinets,  french flautists, and tone-deaf trombonists... Imagine what happens when left-handed latvian lute-players is the only filter...
[Full disclosure - I've been working on this for the last 18 months so i tend to get a bit over excited about the possibilities.]