PROFILE: Semi-Permanent [2016]

It might sound like something torn from the pages of Virginia Woolf’s Orlando, but the quote above comes from Tea Uglow, the Google creative director and tech celebrity, who is sitting on the sofa at Semi Permanent’s offices in Sydney on a sunny autumn afternoon. 

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BOOK: A Curiosity of Doubts [2016]

A Curiosity of Doubts is a Penguin Special Edition published for the Sydney Writer's Festival.

A Curiosity of Doubts is a Penguin Special Edition published for the Sydney Writer's Festival.

I feel I have somewhat accidentally published a book. Penguin have very kindly included a sort of expanded version of a short lecture I was asked to give (as part of the Sydney Writers Festival). It is a huge honour and I feel a a bit embarrassed to be dressed in the livery of an authentic Penguin Classic, but, at the same time hugely proud.  A Curiosity of Doubts is available in shops that sell books. And online. A podcast of the talk is being made and we can link to that. 

PROJECT: Ghosts, Toast, and The Things Unsaid [2016]

This is one of my favourite projects of my career - I will always be immensely grateful to all who made it happen - the developers at Grumpy Sailor, the cast, but most of all Dan Koerner & Sam Haren at Sandpit.
I wrote a lot about it here: “We’re doing a play. Again…”

"an immersive performance with 360˚ sound using Google’s invisible, embedded technology." 

The Australian, Feb 2016 || Guardian, Mar 2016

In collaboration with Google’s Creative Lab, Sandpit’s intimate performance features two ghosts (the audience) revisiting the kitchen(s) where they grew up, fell in love and refurbished, over 50 years. Audiences of two will (digitally) tune in to the inner thoughts of a couple at three stages of their life.

PROJECT: Shakespeare's Birthday Hangout [2014]

Google Australia partnered with Bell Shakespeare, a theatre company specialising in the works of William Shakespeare, his contemporaries and other classics, to host six live and interactive events on Google+ to showcase the use of our platforms.  


Apart from celebrating the birthday of the world’s greatest playwright, this initiative  supports our strategy to inspire traditionally non-technology focused companies to go digital and encourage digital in education.  

The weeks activities included a Promotion video, birthday bash Hangout, Elizabethan Hangout in History,  in conversation with John Bell and Peter Evans, Hamlet workshop, in conversation with John Bell and Lily Cole, photos and blog post. 40+ print and online articles and national broadcast coverage quoting Google as the technology and innovation partner. With just under 7,500 tuning into our YouTube channel and a whopping 55,372 of you liking and sharing our Facebook updates, including 11,500 sharing Mr William Shakespeare's Insult Generator, 'Thou art a beef-witted box of envy'!

PROJECT: The Binoculars [2013]

In November 2013, to help celebrate the Sydney Opera House's 40th birthday, Google Creative Lab and Tellart installed a special pair of binoculars on the footsteps of one of the world's most iconic buildings.