Tea Uglow is familiar with uncertainty and doubt. But instead of seeing them in a negative light, she considers doubt, ambiguity, and uncertainty to be a central force behind her creativity and innovation.

In a recent talk about her work as creative director of the Google Creative Labs team in Sydney, she asked the audience a tough question to unpack the idea further: “Is there roomfor ambiguity and doubt when computers are in our pockets and at our sides at all times? What happens to creativity if there isn’t?” So many forms of technology are designed to do just one rigid thing, she explained, that it may be stifling human creativity and ingenuity. It’s a concerning thought for many creatives who rely on computers, tablets, apps and software for nearly every bit of their jobs.

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PROFILE: Editions at Play [2016]

.. To ‘record’ the experiences of the dynamic web is like taking photos of morning dew: fragmentary and one-dimensional, unsatisfactory. The future internet, consisting of machine intelligence communicating with speech rather than all these helpful words on ‘pages’, is even tougher to pin down. Every single web experience is literally performative — a machine pirouetting through a dance of information that is unique to you in that moment and then lost forever.

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PROFILE: Kaya FM [2017]

[10 min interview from Feb 2017]
Kojo Baffoe is joined by Creative Director of Google, Tea Uglow.  She is the brains behind Google’s innovative Lab in Sydney, Australia. Her works varies between non-linear narration and the physical web.

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PROFILE: It's Nice That [2017]

It's Nice That | “I love the work I get to make. But I wish it didn’t seem so kooky”: Google Creative Lab’s CD Tea Uglow on the friction between culture and digital tech.

Across the arts and throughout the history of philosophy and the humanities, we find every great question unpacked, played with, and explored. It’s what artists do. They address questions about “tomorrow”, often in baffling ways that don’t make sense. Until tomorrow.

Technological innovations are transforming our world today, and they often solve very immediate problems, and in doing so open up new questions about tomorrow. The focus on the need for Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) to achieve this has led to many notable voices arguing that our current passion for STEM in education needs an “A” for Arts. To involve the experiences and wisdom of artists in our wonderful digital revolution. To provide a skillset that can provide perspective, ethical discourse, a level of self-critique and an appreciation of the irrational, the intangible. Express the inexpressible. You know, all the stuff that makes us human.

I think we argue for an A for Arts because STEAM is catchier than SHTEM. But really we need all the Humanities. Yes, the digital revolution has brought education, enlightenment and one-click trolling into the palms of our hands, but we also need to provide spaces for different kinds of talent to deviate from the blueprint.

My team works with many sorts of culture makers, exploring and describing the human relationship with information, and technology. Trying to help find a voice to reflect the reality we have, and the futures that we perceive from all the many billions of human perspectives. To do this we sit on the other side of the world, out of sight, a small offshoot of Google’s Creative Lab, based in Sydney. We make plays, or books, interactive films or strange magical objects.

We explore our attitudes and our capabilities to ‘play’ and create with technology and culture. Over the last decade that has seen us move from a very open web to increasingly sophisticated tools relying on complex engineering principles like machine learning and neural networks.

Now I work at Google, so, by default I am pro-technology. But I also present as an artist. I’m not a coder, nor particularly good at art, I just like potential. So as soon as I get hold of anything like this I basically try to mess with it. It’s like a default: move stuff about, try and glitch it, warp it, press all the buttons, see what happens.

So take an app, one that is ‘good’ and popular. And try to make something that it doesn’t want you to make. Try to paint with it. You can even use ones that let you ‘create’… just try to make something that feels unique to you, that is an expression of yourself, rather than the capabilities of the software, or hardware. It’s hard.

In the end it just does what it set out to do. Ideally it’s idiot-proof, but also kinda artist-proof. And while I am sure that is completely amazing it speaks to a bigger problem about contemporary creativity and design in modern life. The one where we realise that as creatives, we will do what the app or software does, but not necessarily what we could do.

For example, now take a pen, and try and draw something, a doodle, anything. Something that expresses your inner boredom at the day in front of you. Easier right? And highly unlikely to look like what you thought it would look like. I think that’s a good thing. Even if the doodle sucks.

Increasingly it is harder and harder to adapt apps, software, or hardware to purposes beyond the very carefully planned and intended uses. Which is both very very sensible in terms of security and profitability and also somewhat anti-human. We evolved because our ancestors developed ‘apps’ like stones and sticks and used them to develop an agrarian society (and, admittedly, to kill other animals). There are probably less brutal illustrations but the point is that to evolve we need our tools to be adaptable, to be reconfigurable, to be open. If we want a world where art, literature and philosophy can remain an integral part of describing and defining the world we live in then the next generation of great artists should not require a computer science degree to push their tools beyond the intended use-case. For example this wonderful archaic combination of magic rituals and Machine Learning used by James Bridle to tease out some uncomfortable thought spaces about automated vehicles. Artists should not need to write the code themselves (as Bridle did) in order to talk about tomorrow.

This isn’t an app problem exactly. It seems a bit bizarre to moan because an app does its job well. This stretches the whole way across the technology spectrum from that moment you realise your illustration studio is literally an Adobe Illustrator Studio, or that the start-up idea you’ve been working on for six months is redundant because an API has been deprecated. It is about that moment when our technology does the job so well that it begins to be impossible to imagine any other way of doing it – then it simply becomes the reality we live in. We need to be able to express through technology as easily as a pen. Something that felt more likely with the web than the internet.

In our recent project Editions at Play we started with the seemingly obvious observation that the only reason that ebooks started on page one and finished on page 274 was because books always had. But what if they didn’t have to? After all, that was just a tech innovation from the 16th century. They don’t have to any more. And after looking at ePub, PDF, and Apps.. we turned to the web.

More generally we design for phones because that’s what everyone uses, rather than designing solutions that might mean we didn’t need phones. We rely on notifications to feed our information addiction, and we are energised by virtual reality whilst worrying about the rise in social isolation without seeming to connect any of these. If you think it is too early to worry about that, perhaps we should be enabling more artists (and fewer advertising firms) to explore that space for us.

In other words we are creating a reality for the hardware we have, or which we are promised. We design for the gadgets we have, while using the tools we are given – rather than for an unimagined future. And that’s why digital tools that cannot be repurposed frustrate me. I feel a bit beaten. There is a fabulous exhibition waiting to be hung of international artists engaging with geo-tech (Maps!) Some works are fun. Some are beautiful. Some are deeply critical, and that is the dialogue and the critique that we are missing. Those conversations still aren’t being given the media oxygen they need for a healthy society. Culture isn’t just Broadway or the Tate, it is the medium that allows us to think about ideas in more (or less) than 140 chars. And then argue about it endlessly over pints.

So how might we change this? Well, actually technology firms already encourage one solution. But to a different end. They pay money to people who break their software. These are called “bug bounty” challenges. Effectively paying hackers to demonstrate weaknesses (called ‘exploits’) by paying them. What would a contest to demonstrate the cultural strength or weakness of a product look like? Could this be more free-market than a “grants programme for digital arts”? Would we see more positive culture hacks than negative ones? Are there edges? Can you haiku, could you dance?

Unfortunately, an exploit is demonstrable. And engineers prefer things that can be seen and measured. However there has to be a way to talk about what is happening in the digital world. Can we even say we understand the context in which the youngest generation experience their internet? For example being published in a newspaper ‘means something’ to my generation. I kept those first magazines. The point is that content is affected by the context in which we experience it. And we have neither the content, nor an understanding of the context in which it is being created. The next generation of artists, writers and the philosophers of the world would ideally grow up involved in the techno-industrial process, not outside it. That is the only way for culture to hold a mirror to our everyday reality rather than a backwards glance, wistfully, at yesterday’s world.

I love the work I get to make. But I wish it didn’t seem so kooky. Next month we launch a book ‘owned’ using blockchain to highlight the way in which our understanding of ‘ownership’ has subtly changed in the digital age. A book in permanent beta using blockchain. So how do we move this to the mainstream? Maybe I’m dreaming, but wouldn’t an X-prize mentality for our deep-thinkers be kind of cool? A data Pulitzer for digital poets. A Turner for beautiful art-tech, works that provoke both criticism and conversation. So that maybe we can answer some of our biggest problems in the op-eds of The New Yorker, or in letters to the Times Literary Supplement, rather than at conferences, or tech journals?

It is incredibly hard to imagine, but for our future generations, perhaps, it might make sense to start making more space in both our cultural institutions and in Silicon Valley itself for some full-on SHTEM to exist in the first place.

Tea and the Creative Lab’s latest project with publishers Visual Editions is a digital book titled A Universe Explodes . It explores notion of ownership and identity in a very digital way. It will be launched online in early April.

PROJECT: XYFI - Love at Fifth Site [2017]

Falling in love can leave us lost for words, even though there’s plenty racing through our head. Created by by Google’s Creative Lab and Grumpy Sailor, this quirky set of interactive films allows you to explore the inner thoughts of two characters across a series of serendipitous and sometimes awkward encounters that eventually lead to Love at Fifth Site.

Love at Fifth Site allows the audience to use their phone to ‘shine a light’ onto the inner monologue of the film’s protagonists. Using the phone's accelerometer and the browser's native device motion library to respond to audience interaction and movement, the work forms part of an ongoing exploration of how technology can help artists push the boundaries of traditional storytelling.

IDEAS: Design Indaba [2017] - BLOCKCHAIN

Tea Uglow is a creative sage and director of Google’s Creative Lab in Sydney, Australia. She is involved with a number of unique projects at any given time, connecting different talented designers and engineers with one another to work on cutting-edge questions where technology and creative thinking intersect.

Uglow is interested in the human mind and how its limits can reveal deeper queries. She is a firm believer in the power of doubt, that uncertainty is fertile ground for controversy rather than closure.

“John Keats coined a phrase that I find spectacularly relevant still today. It’s this idea called ‘negative capability’. He’s talking about the human ability to speak, to write, to create – what we do is transcendent, it is sublime. This is terribly relevant today because we are surrounded by these machines that are doing so much. Our computers take an input and derive an output... It does so even when you give it inputs that are highly variable, like doubts.”

Uglow presents a number of thinkers throughout history who have explored the value of doubt similarly, philosophers who have interrogated their own doubts regarding reality in pursuit of empirical evidence and certainties. According to her, such questions ought to be asked by forward-thinking artists and examined by designers and engineers.

The creative director introduces Editions At Play – a project that disrupts our normal habit of looking to history for permission and insight to do things. It is a re-evaluation of how literature is presented, a rethink of the traditional book as a 2-dimensional way to convey knowledge. With the astonishing interactive tools available to us in the digital age, Editions At Play embraces new formats on screen that are not confined to the spine-and-cover layout of books (and E-books, for that matter).

Editions At Play encapsulates Uglow’s way of thinking – to step back and reconsider the way we do things, given the tools that are at our disposal. The project challenges the book as a linear way of reading, appealing instead to physical gesture and interactive play. There are many areas in life that could do with a similar rethink, according to Uglow, who applies the concept of dimensionality and the idea of moving outside of the world to better understand our position in it. She interrogates the notion of binaries, of black and white truths, how they fail in the face of a graded spectrum and vice versa.

“I really feel like the relationship we have with information at the moment is terribly linear,” says Uglow. “It’s much more interesting if you start to consider information as a dimension, like time and space. Information is something that we can move around in.”

PROJECT [LOST]: Treehugger / Swirl [2016]

Sometimes things that matter get lost in the grind. So… some husks of something that should have been bigger and better.
Kudos to Emad & Finch for all their amazing work on it.

The real, and the magical, are merged through the mask of hidden technology. A user is brought into this magical world where they explore a large, real space; interact with fictional characters and act as the hero in their own personal quest. The experience uses technology to provide navigation assistance, branching conversations with fictional characters, hand-gesture recognition, and large-scale user story management to coordinate physical space allocation.

As an example of the experience, a nature park was converted to a magical land. A child is given a magical wand that navigates them between magical trees. The child has two-way conversations with trapped fairies and is taught spells to free them. These acquired spells are then used to overthrow an evil goblin overlord who was plotting to rule the world.

Because what else is the internet for!?

PROFILE: Women’s History Month [2017]

In honor of Women’s History Month, we’re celebrating the powerful, dynamic and creative women of Google. Like generations before them, these women break down barriers and defy expectations at work and in their communities. Over the course of the month, we’ll help you get to know a few of these Google women, and share a bit about who they are and why they inspire us.

In our second installment of the “She Word” series, we hear from Tea Uglow, a creative director in Sydney, Australia who is known for her love of coffee (but not tea), and for grabbing a “quick flat white and a chat.”

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PROJECT: The Cube [2014-2016]

Play With Google’s Psychedelic New Interactive Music Video Cube

Tech Crunch, July 2014

"It’s called The Cube, and it’s a trip. Built by Google Creative Labs as “an experimental platform for interactive storytelling”. It debuted online today with indie dance band The Presets’ new single “No Fun”. You decide what to watch and hear by clicking and dragging The Cube to show a single side or a combination.

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PROJECT: Hangouts in History [2013-2016]

‘Hangouts in History’ - Bringing the past to life

Between 2012 & 2015 Creative Lab explored different ways to use, well, Zoom. But back then we called it “Hangouts” (and later “Google Meet”.
For example bringing history into the classroom by using actors to recreate history and help teachers who are trying to transport their students back more than 700 years in time to plague-era Europe. But we had a hunch that technology might be one way to make this subject a bit more participatory.  With this in mind, Google's Creative Lab teamed up with Grumpy Sailor to help a class of year 8 students from Bowral ‘video conference’ with 1348, in what we became the first of 5 “Hangouts in History”.
[Unfortunately we were 8 yrs too early for the pandemic.]